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Dept. H13

 Family Law

Tentative Rulings

Dept. H-13

Commissioner Renee Wilson

July 16 2021


All Law & Motion Tentative Rulings will be posted at least one day prior to the hearing date.  If either party is requesting a continuance prior to the posting of the Tentative Ruling, meet and confer with opposing party and call the Court at least one week prior to your hearing date.

PLEADINGS NOT TIMELY FILED MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED IN THESE RULINGS.  Proof of Service of Motions MUST be filed 5 days prior to hearing (CRC 3.1300 and OC Rule 710.E). 


Case Name



Cielo v De La Cruz

Motion  to Compel Response to 3rd party subpoena and sanctions

Denied – Trial was initially set 6/7/21.  This request is not timely.  Per CCP 2024.020(b) a continuance of the trial does not operate to reopen discovery proceedings.

On the merits:  If there was an agreement to extend, the POS for PC Hospitality states personal service was unsuccessful for agent, Sam Bam Boukai.



Kelly v Wacker

Motion to Compel further Responses to demand for production –


Has RP/H served further responses?  If so this motion is moot.  If no, motion granted for production, set 3, demand 4, 10, 11 and produce documents commensurate with response within 10 days.



Motion to Enforce Judgment

Denied -

It appears that it was Husband who was awarded 8% interest in the Scarlet property not Wife.  The amended judgment only awarded Wife an 8% interest in rents from 5/10/16 to present  Nowhere in the Amended Judgment does it grant Wife 8% interest in the property!  Said claim contradicts the prior Partial Judgment which clearly awarded the property to Husband.  Wife’s remaining demands under the judgment are “claims” for reimbursement from Nga for the purchase under Moorse/Marden claim.

Wife does not have and enforceable order to require sale:

1.    No Judgment awarding her 8% interest;

2.    No judgment as to a specific amount of rents

3.    No judgment to 25K reimbursement from Nga

4.    No judgment as to Moorse/Marsden

It would appear that given that Nga has not been joined – partition action is a possibility.