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Appeals Court

The type of case you have determines the type of appeal you file or respond to. Appeals from Felony (Criminal), Unlimited Civil, Probate/Mental Health, Juvenile and Family cases are handled by the Court of Appeal.

Appeals from Infraction (Traffic), Misdemeanor (Criminal), and Limited Civil cases are decided by the Appellate Division of the Superior Court.

Small Claims appeals are heard by a judge of the Superior Court. Administrative Appeals, such as vicious dog determinations, parking tickets and civil citations, are heard by a judge of the Superior Court. Below is further information about the appellate process.

Effective February 1, 2023, an official reporter or official reporter pro tempore of the superior court shall deliver a transcript in electronic form as specified in Code of Civil Procedure section 271, and in compliance with California Rules of Court, rule 8.144.

Appellate Division

The Appellate Division hears appeals of infraction (Traffic), misdemeanor (Criminal), and limited civil cases.

Types of Cases Reviewed
Cases on Calendar

If you have an appeal scheduled for hearing or would like to see what is on the hearing calendar, go to the Cases on Calendar. All Appellate Division cases can be found using “Civil” in the dropdown, the location is “Central Justice Center,” and the courtroom will be “C01.”

Oral Argument

For information regarding oral argument click here. (link is external) To waive oral argument, complete and file the Oral Argument Request/Waiver local form.

Administrative Order and Appearance Process

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Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal is a separate court from the Superior Court. The Court of Appeal decides appeals from Family, Juvenile, Probate/Mental Health, Unlimited Civil, and Felony Criminal cases.

Types of Cases Reviewed

Administrative Appeals

Generally, Administrative Appeals are filed in limited civil. Use the Court Designation/Locator List to determine the appropriate Justice Center based on where the action occurred.

Types of Cases Reviewed
  • Final Decision of Parking Citation
  • Civil Administrative Fine of Penalty
  • Labor Commissioner’s Award of Wages, Penalties and Compensation
  • Determination of Dangerous Dog or Vicious Dog

Small Claims Appeals

When you appeal a small claims judgment, you ask the superior court to change the small claims court judge's decision. You will have another court hearing and must present your case again. A small claims appeal is a "trial de novo" or "new trial." This means that the case is decided by a new judge from the beginning so you have to present your case all over again.

Types of Cases Reviewed

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