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Trial Juror Information

Please carefully read the information below before accessing ejuror to respond to your summons.

Juror Notice - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Members of the public are no longer required to wear face coverings or social distance when visiting any of the Orange County Superior Court facilities. However, wearing face coverings continues to be strongly recommended by the Orange County Healthcare Agency, the Centers for Disease Control and the California Department of Public Health.

Please do not report for jury service if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Instead, please call our office at 657-622-7000. (Jurors assigned to a courtroom should call the department telephone number listed in the courtroom handout that was provided.)

Click Here to Go to eJuror

Using eJuror to Respond to Your Summons

Use the eJuror link to access the application and respond to your summons. You will need your Juror ID number and date of birth to log in. Once logged in, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire and confirm the information you have entered. Once you have confirmed, you will go to the Juror Instructions page. You have now responded to your jury summons. If you need to make a request to be excused, exempted, or disqualified, you can do so from the Juror Instructions page. You can also request a postponement. If you make a request and do not receive a notification within 10 days, please log in to eJuror again to check your status before contacting our office.

Term of Service

The term of service is one day or one trial. If you are not selected to serve on a trial by the end of the first day and are not ordered by the Court to return for a second or subsequent day of selection, your term of service is complete.
The average jury trial in Orange County takes up to 5 court days to complete. Jury trials do not always take place on consecutive days and they may take 2 business weeks or more to complete. If you would be unavailable to serve on a multiple day jury trial at the time of your jury service, please consider postponing your service to a more convenient time. To postpone your service, please select Postponement on the Juror Instructions page.


If any of the below apply, please click Disqualification on the Juror Instructions page.

  1. Not a Citizen of the United States
  2. Under 18 years of age
  3. Not a Resident of Orange County
  4. Insufficient knowledge of the English language
  5. Convicted of a malfeasance in office, currently incarcerated, convicted felon currently under supervision, or required to register as a sex offender under PC 290- felony conviction
  6. Currently serving or will be serving as a Grand or Trial Juror
  7. Subject of a Conservatorship
  8. This person is deceased —you may notify our office by emailing (link sends email)


Peace Officers Only: click Peace Officer Exemption on the Juror Instructions page.

Contacting Jury Services

Jury Services Telephone Number.
Please dial 657-622-7000 to contact the Office of the Jury Commissioner.

Jury Services E-mail.
A message may be sent to Jury Services from this website. Enter the requested information in the online form. Be sure to complete the form thoroughly and accurately so that we may locate your information quickly. You will receive a reply from Jury Services at the e-mail address that you supply.

Send a message to Jury Services

Jury Service Mailing Address
If contacting Jury Services by mail, address your correspondence to:
Superior Court of California
County of Orange
Jury Services
P.O. Box 1970
Santa Ana, California 92702-1970

Request for Excuse

If any of the below apply, please click Excuse on the Juror Instructions page.

  1. Physical or Mental Disability
  2. Care to Another (non-professional)
  3. Extreme Financial Burden
  4. Completed Call-In or Reporting Jury Service within the past 12 months (this includes service as a Grand Juror)
  5. Active Duty Military

Call-In Jury Service

If Step 2 on your summons instructs you to call for instructions, you are a call-in juror. Please call the phone number listed in Step 2 AFTER 5:00 PM on the date indicated and listen for your instructions. If employed, DO NOT TAKE THE DAY OFF FROM WORK unless you have been instructed to report. Please be prepared to report mid-day if instructed to do so.

Persons With Disabilities/ADA Accommodations

To request a special accommodation such as closer parking adjacent to the courthouse or a sign language interpreter, please select “Yes” on the questionnaire when asked “Do you require Special Accommodations” and provide the requested follow-up information.


Full-time students are required to serve. You may, however, reschedule your jury service during semester/quarter breaks.

Outside the US?

For security reasons, eJuror will not work outside of the United States. Please contact our office at 657-622-7000 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM (PST) to respond to your summons, or click here to send a message to Jury Services.

Breastfeeding Mothers

If you are currently (or will be at the time of your jury service) breastfeeding a child, you may request a postponement of up to 12 months.

Orange County Grand Jury

To receive an application to serve on the Orange County Grand Jury, a full-time commitment for one year, please visit is external) This is a volunteer opportunity and not associated with jury service.