Appeals FAQ
An appeal is when someone who loses a case asks a higher court to review the decision of the trial court or government agency.
A Notice of Appeal of a decision made on a limited civil action is filed at the court where the case was filed.
A Notice of Appeal of a decision made on an unlimited or complex civil action is filed at the Central Justice Center Appellate Division, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701.
The California Courts website contains a variety of Judicial Council approved appeal forms.
Appeal of Final Decision of Parking Citation
Vehicle Code section 40230
Appeal form
Appeal of Civil Administrative Fine or Penalty
Government Code section 53069.4 (b)(1)
Appeal form
Appeal from Labor Commissioner’s Award of Wages, Penalties, and Compensation
Labor Code section 98.2
Appeal form
Appeal from Determination of Dangerous Dog or Vicious Dog
Food & Agriculture section 31622
Appeal form
Appeal of Administrative Penalty for Fare Evasion or Passenger Conduct Violation
(Southern California Regional Rail Authority/Metrolink)
Public Utilities Code section 99582
Generally, the appeals in this section are filed in limited civil. Use the Court Designation/Locator List to determine the appropriate Justice Center based on where the action occurred.
Appeal fees vary depending on the type of appeal filed. Consult the court’s fee schedule. If you cannot afford to pay the filing fees, you can request that fees be waived under certain circumstances. Click here for more information.