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Fine, Fees, Court Costs, Bail and Bonds

Fine, Fees, Court Costs, Bail and Bonds

The court may impose fines and/or fees or court costs as a condition of your sentence or probation. How and when to pay, requesting extensions and other information are provided below. Additionally, you may have bail or a bond posted on your case in which certain actions may be taken by the court.

Financial Hardship and Ability to Pay

If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount for a qualifying citation, you may request the court to consider your ability to pay. You may ask the court for a lower fine, payment plan, community service and/or more time to pay by completing the Ability to Pay form. A court official will review your request and the judgment/order will be sent to you via email or by USPS mail.
If your case has not yet been adjudicated, you may be required to enter a plea of guilty or nolo contendere prior to submitting your request. Requests may be submitted electronically through the MyCitations tool or in-person by visiting the clerk’s office at any of the following court locations: Central Justice Center, Harbor Justice Center, North Justice Center or West Justice Center. 

Ability to Pay Determination                    Court Locations 

How is Your Fine Determined?

Fines and/or fees or court costs are due on or before the date set by the court or the clerk’s office. For your convenience, payments may be made by mail, in person, by phone, or online.

What forms of payment does the court accept?

Visa, Master Card, Discover Card and Diners Club. Debit cards with Visa or Master Card logo are accepted at some of the Justice Centers. Cash is accepted only if in person. Click here for more information on the Information and Payment Center, Centralized Call Center.


This option is only available if paying on or before your original due date. To conduct court business via online services, which includes requesting an extension, establishing a payment plan or making a payment, submitting electronic correspondence, submitting proof of correction online, reserving a court date, or setting up automatic reminders for your case(s), access My Court Portal as a guest user or create an account.

By mail:

Checks or money orders only. DO NOT MAIL CASH. Checks and money orders should be made payable to “Clerk of the Court” To ensure your payment is credited to the correct case; include the case or citation number. All checks must be preprinted with the maker’s name.

Mail to:

Information Payment Center, P.O. Box 6040, Newport Beach, CA 92658-6040

Hours are: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click here for more information on the Automated Information and Payment Center.

In person:

Payments may be made in person at any justice center. Click here for locations and hours.

Does the court accept installment payments?

Yes, Installment Agreements are available for the payment of your traffic citation bail as listed on your violation information notice. For arrangements, please access My Court Portal or appear at the Clerk's Office during regularly scheduled court hours to determine eligibility. Click here for locations and hours.

To conduct court business via online services, which includes requesting an extension, establishing a payment plan or making a payment, submitting electronic correspondence, submitting proof of correction online, reserving a court date, or setting up automatic reminders for your case(s), access My Court Portal as a guest user or create an account.

What if I have a financial hardship and would like to submit a request for a fine reduction (infraction only)?

Please click the link below to learn more about the Ability to Pay Determination.

Ability to Pay Determination

How to request an extension?

Extensions on court ordered fines, fees, programs or jail may be requested at the Criminal Operation’s departments on or before the due date.

A one time extension on fines or community service may be granted by the Criminal Operation’s departments by phone during business hours if the case or citation is not a mandatory appearance. Click here for more information on the Automated Information and Payment Center..

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What additional fees or penalties may be added in addition to my fine amount?

Additional fees and/or penalties may be included on cases as authorized by California law.

How is Your Fine Determined? provides a sample breakdown of fines, penalties, and fees that may be assessable on a case.

Click here for a complete copy of the Statewide Civil Fee Schedule

What is penalty assessment?

It is an amount added to all bail and fines pursuant to Government Code 76000 and Penal Code 1464 and is subject to change. According to law, the amount of penalty assessment as of January 1, 2009 is $27.29 for every $10.00 increment of fine/bail or fraction thereof.

How is Your Fine Determined?

What are sanctions and court costs?

A Sanction may be ordered upon a defendant or a third party as a penalty for breaking the law or the court’s order and to encourage them to comply.

Court Costs are ordered upon a defendant or a third party as a penalty for not complying with a court order. Additionally, they may be ordered in lieu of a fine or as a cost to complete a diversion program. Court costs are paid directly to the court.

How do I pay for court ordered Public Defender fees?

At the conclusion of the case or withdrawal of court appointed counsel, the defendant may be required to pay fees to the County for the representation of the Public Defender or other court appointed counsel. The defendant should have been provided with a “Waiver of Hearing regarding Public Defender or Court Appointment Counsels Fees and Court Order” form. This form would indicate the amount to be repaid to the County. This fee is paid through the Auditor Controller’s Office(link is external), not directly to the Court.

What is bail or a bond?

Cash Bail:

Cash bail may be applied towards the fine, if the depositor was the same defendant or if the third party who posted it signed an authorization to apply the bail to a fine. If a portion of the cash bail is to be refunded it will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks from the date of the court order. The Orange County Auditor’s office will process the refund check to the depositor or authorized designee. If the defendant fails to appear the bail will be forfeited to the court and a warrant may be issued for the defendant’s arrest. For further information, please feel free to contact the court at the Automated Information and Payment Center or review the court's online case information.

Bail Bond:

If a bail bond has been posted to the case and the defendant fails to appear, the bond will be forfeited and a warrant may be issued for the defendant’s arrest. A bondsman can surrender the defendant to the court on a forfeited bond.

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How does the court determine bail?

Pursuant to California Penal Code 1269b Trial Court judges annually revise and adopt a schedule of bail and penalties for all misdemeanors and infraction offenses except California Vehicle Code infractions. In doing so, consideration is given to the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules approved by the State Judicial Council. Uniformity is substantially achieved throughout the state in traffic, boating, fish and game, forestry, public utilities, parks and recreation, and business licensing cases.

The Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule for infraction violations of the Vehicle Code will be established by the Judicial Council in accordance with California Vehicle Code 40310. Judges must give consideration to requiring additional bail for aggravating or enhancing factors.

Click here to access the Orange County Bail Schedule

Click here to access the Judicial Council Bail Schedule with Orange County Penalty Adjustments

What can I do if I am found guilty and I cannot pay the fine ordered for the case?

If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount for the offenses in your case, you may ask the court to consider your ability to pay in deciding the amount to order for the conviction. (Veh. Code, § 42003(c)) In addition, you may ask for an installment payment plan that is based on your ability to pay or ask the court to approve community service as an alternative to payment. After consideration of ability to pay, the court has discretion whether to reduce your fine, approve community service, or approve a payment plan.

What if I cannot afford to pay my traffic ticket?

If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount for the offenses on your traffic ticket, you may request the court to consider your ability to pay. However, you must appear before the court to do so. When you appear in court and plead “guilty” at arraignment, you may request that the court consider your ability to pay in reducing the fine to be paid. If you plead “not guilty,” after a trial and conviction, you may request that the court consider your ability to pay in deciding the fine ordered for the offenses. (Veh. Code, § 42003(c)) Additionally, regardless of your plea, if you are ordered to pay a fine you may ask the court for an installment payment plan that is based on your ability to pay or ask the court to approve community service due to financial hardship.

To conduct court business via online services, which includes requesting an extension, establishing a payment plan or making a payment, submitting electronic correspondence, submitting proof of correction online, reserving a court date, or setting up automatic reminders for your case(s), access My Court Portal as a guest user or create an account.

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